As an over 50 or even as a under 50, this is something you need. We are all trying to live healthier lives and eliminate poisons, pollutants, chemicals, etc., from our personal and household products. Think Dirty is just the thing you need to accomplish this.
Think Dirty and
Get Clean!
A few weeks ago, I was listening to the radio and this ad came on for a new app. We can all use a good app, right? The app is Think Dirty and it is the dirtiest app you will probably ever find.
What you do after you download this FREE little miracle of an app, is scan the barcode of a product that you want to know if it is safe or not.
For example, shampoo. Scan the barcode of the shampoo you use and it will show you every single ingredient used to create that shampoo and rank each ingredient as to toxicity.
It will tell you what the ingredient is, if it is on a banned list in any country, the dangers of this ingredient and what it is supposed to do.
Once you know the ingredients and their safety, you can make an informed decision on whether to buy or continue using it. I love this app!
It's so easy and it provides so much information on your product. If your product is not in their data bank, you can scan the barcode, take pictures of the front and back of the package, take a picture of the ingredients, and take a picture of it description. Submit it to Think Dirty and they will analyze it for you and load in their data base. Perfect!
If you are interested in knowing what is in your products, download the Think Dirty app and start getting clean!
Have you ever wondered what is in that bottle of conditioner, shampoo, toothpaste, moisturizer? Would you use this app to find out? Let us know if you download this app and what you think of it. Share your opinion of this app. Think Dirty and get clean!