Without goals we wonder aimlessly through life and most times never achieve something we need or want. Time goes by with or without goals, but with goals, you have satisfaction in knowing you have achieved something you wanted to achieve. Your life is richer, hopefully, because you accomplished something.
Volunteering is only one way to give back. You can also donate goods or money. However, time is something that many people feel they don't have enough of and therefore, they don't volunteer - instead they send money.
This leaves many organizations short on physical bodies they need to carry out their mission.
Every organization I know of can always use another volunteer. Giving some of your time, even a small amount of it, it priceless.
Please take time in 2019 to work on specific goals for yourself
and finding a little time to donate to a worthy cause.
Your life will be richer for both.
(NOTE: Yes, today is my birthday. I have hit another milestone, a mid-stone...hint, it involves signing up for something. LOL...but I feel 30, seriously, I feel 30. Happy and active, hope this lasts!)
Did you set new goals for 2019? Did you use the SMART formula to set your new goals? Have you included volunteering in your goals? Do you have any ideas for volunteering or goals? Please share some of your goals and where you are considering volunteering?