"Roses and Flowers:
110 million roses, mostly red ones, will be sold and delivered within a three-day time period.
Valentine’s Day is the big time of year for red roses. Mother’s Day sees more pastel colored roses sold.
The State of California produces 60% of American roses, but most roses sold on Valentine’s Day in the U.S. are imported from South America.
15% of American women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.
73% of people who buy flowers for Valentine’s Day are men; only 27% are women."
(Courtesy of: http://www.kidzworld.com/article/16246-valentines-day-trivia-2009)
Valentines Day is the second most celebrated holiday in the United States. Where did Valentines Day originate? Here's a little trivia for you:
There are a number of Saints called Valentine who are honored on February 14. The day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England. This may have followed on from the Pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end. Traditionally, lovers exchanged hand written notes. Commercial cards became available in the mid nineteenth century."
(Courtesy of: https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/valentine-day)
Valentines are exchanged among the young, as well. In schools everywhere, children will give and receive valentine cards. Even if you are single, widowed, or divorced...there is someone who would like a valentine card from you. It's not just about romance, it is a celebration of love.
As over 50 adults, we should lead the way in showing the younger generations how to love and how to show love. It's not just for couples, it is for everyone. Everyone needs love. February is just a month set aside to celebrate love (and romance), every day is a day to express love for each other, love for our fellow man...especially now-a-days.
Ways to Express Love:
1. Find something nice about the person and tell them you like that about them.
2. Hug them when you leave and when you return. It re-enforces your feelings for them.
3. Help them when they need help. Don't wait for them to ask, just get up and help them.
4 Tell them everyday that you love them. We assume they should know, but it is still nice to hear.
5. Talk to them. Ask about their day, tell them about yours, plan something with them (a vacation, a purchase, what movie to watch)...include them in your plans.
6. Back them up in public. Even you don't entirely agree with them, find a way to make them feel respected and accepted, don't let anyone run over them with words, actions, or attitudes. You can discuss your differences when you are alone and out of the scrutiny of others.
7. Do something unexpected for them (load dishwasher without being asked, wash their car, take them to an activity they enjoy, fix dinner for them with a favorite dish, etc.) or give them an unexpected gift (flowers, homemade pie, something new to wear, dinner out, etc.).
8. Spend time with them. We manage to find time for the things we value, do you value this person in your life? Find time for them, if you don't spend time with them someone else may.
9. Never and I repeat never, speak down to them. Always lift them up. It will be reciprocated most likely, but even if they return your positive communication with negativity, you have done a lot to change that. Over time, they will begin to respond differently to you. Make them feel important and respected. This goes for arguing in public, never, never do that.
10. Respect their values. If the person in your life is spiritual (and maybe you're not) try to accept this and participate when you can. If they are sports minded, accept this and participate when you can. Whatever it is that they value, respect it, accept it, and participate with them when you can.
This is just a short list of ways to show your love to someone. There are many more ways and if you look you will see them. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, feel loved, feel respected, and be happy. Treat your partner the way you would want to be treated if you were them.
Things may not always be rosy,
but if you do your part,
you will be happier for it.
If you do your part,
your partner will be happier, also.
Remember, February is the month of love and romance, do your part!
Do you believe in romance? Do you think it can last through a lifetime? Do you treat your partner the way you want to be treated? When was the last time you helped them with something without being asked? Name one thing that your partner did for you recently that made you feel loved.