While some men will give an attractive young woman a second glance (sometimes), not all men feel like Moix - thankfully. They are wise enough to know that age has nothing to do with a good woman.
There are many young women who look beautiful on the outside, but inside they are selfish, conceited, and looking for Mr. Goodbar. Their beauty is superficial. (Note that I didn't say ALL young women, I said many.)
On the flip side, there are many older women who will shower her man with love in the form of caring for his needs. (Note that I didn't say ALL older women, I said many.)
The problem is, if a man completely eliminates a whole segment of women from his repertoire of dating options, he is limiting his chances of hitting the jackpot of love.
Wise men leave the door open for whoever may enter knowing that she may not be who he thought at first. She may be someone entirely different than he was thinking, but finds that she is perfect for him. A wise man also treats all women with respect and knows their individual value.
The other thing about wiser men than Moix,
is a wise man sees the beauty of every woman. He is looking at more than just her physical appearance or her youth. He is looking at her character, her compassion, her inner beauty.
Now, having said all that, we just learned about Jeff Bazos leaving his wife of 25 years for a younger woman. Is Jeff Bezos wise? Maybe, maybe not. He may be intelligent and smart, but not necessarily wise.
Wise is a special gift. Of course, that's not to say that there may have been other issues in the marriage, but it is also not that uncommon for an older man to need his ego massaged by a younger woman.
This was printed in a church bulletin that past week and I think it is excellent. This is a true and wise man as described by God and yes, they do exist:
- Biblical masculinity means a husband loves his wife (Ephesians 5:25)
- It frowns on men objectifying or lusting after other women (Matthew 5:28)
- Biblical masculinity means that a man help train up his children (Proverbs 22:6)
- It frowns on men who abandon their children (Proverbs 28:15)
- Biblical masculinity means a man provides for his family and widowed parents (1 Timothy 5:8)
- It frowns on men who do not work (2 Thessalonians 3:10)
- Biblical masculinity means a man tries to be holy for God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16)
- It frowns on crude jokes and immorality (Ephesians 5:3-5)
- Biblical masculinity means a man gives to the needy (1 John 3:17; Hebrews 13:16)
- It frowns on men who waste money on materialism (1 John 2:15)
- Biblical masculinity means a man protects his wife and children (Psalms 82:3-4)
- It frowns on men who despise children (Matthew 18:10; Psalm 127:3)
- Biblical masculinity means a husband recognizes the differences between he and his wife (1 Peter 3:7)
- It frowns on men who do not honor their wives (Ephesians 5:33)
- Biblical masculinity means a man prays for his family (Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
- It frowns on a man who is prideful thinking he can do it on his own (Proverbs 16:18)
- Biblical masculinity means a man is the spiritual leader of his home (Ephesians 6:4)
- It frowns on men who delegates this command to their wives (1 Timothy 2:11-12)
- Biblical masculinity means a man devotes his life to making sure his family members are in the book of life (Revelation 20:11-15)
- It frowns on men who allow their children to love the world and walk out onto the broad way (Matthew 7:13-14)
To me, God has set forth the guidelines for masculinity and he knows better than anyone would. Too bad most of the world rejects, ignores, or tries to change his word. A lot of men will make excuses for not being a masculine Godly man.
Do you believe in the masculine male of the scriptures? Do you know a masculine male? Do you know a “toxic masculine male”? Do you believe the term “boys will be boys” and that males can't help their “bad” behavior because it's in their natural nature? Share your thoughts and experiences.