I decided to find out for myself what they are and if they are something I would drink. In the process of purchasing a variety of bang flavors, I discovered Zevia Zero Calorie Energy drink. So, I purchased a variety of flavors to sample.
This blog is my opinion on these two drinks, pros and cons, and safety concerns.
First the flavors. Bang, by far, has the most unusual flavors; whereas, Zevia has more traditional flavors.
(a few, as I keep seeing new flavors in different stores):
NOTE: the main ingredients that make these energy drinks is caffeine. However, Bang also has other ingredients that may affect your energy level. The only ingredient that can the Zevia brand has that can affect energy levels is the caffeine.):
Bang carries a warning statement due to it's high caffeine content. Zevia does not. Bang is ranked as Extreme in the caffeine content and Zevia is ranked as High.
Bang also carries other warnings on the label: Not intended for individuals under the age of 18; Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing; Do not consume this product if you are taking any prescription drug and/or have a medical condition; This product intended for use by healthy individuals only; and This product contains caffeine and should not be used with any other caffeine containing products.
The Bang could affect someone who doesn't drink a lot of caffeine, but for me, it was like drinking 2 cups of coffee. Nothing spectacular, but I was awake and ready to work. If you have any heart conditions, liver or kidney issues, or just generally not in good health, these drinks are not for you.
They are extremely sweet. Bang is (in my opinion, about 10 X sweeter than Coca Cola). Zevia is really sweet also, but not unreasonably so.
The FDA recommends no more than 400 milligrams per day. So Bang is under that at 300 milligrams.
However! If you consume a cup of morning coffee, a couple of cups or glasses of black tea, chocolate, etc., all that contain caffeine, then you “could” potentially overdose on caffeine. (Key word is “could”.)
Side effects from over dosing on caffeine?
Migraine headaches, insomnia, jitters, fast heart rate, upset stomach, nausea, a feeling of unhappiness (dysphoria), among others. Too much caffeine can also affect your health in that it can trigger seizures, damage kidneys, stress your heart, and many other issues.
It also takes your body around 4 hours to metabolize the caffeine from one cup of coffee. So if you have a cup of coffee for dinner or with an after dinner dessert, your body may still be stimulated at bedtime.
With this information in hand, if you drink Bang or Zevia Zero Calorie Energy drinks, will you continue? Will you change anything, like reduce caffeine intake from other sources during the day? How do you feel about Bang, Zevia, and other energy drinks on the market today?