Eat your veggies,
Wear the red lipstick,
And don't accept less than all you can be!”
- Sheryl, 2017-
If your are trying to eat more vegetables, as I am, this is a good product. It's easy to prepare and tastes really good. A single package makes a complete lunch for me. The flavor is mild, but full. This is the only version I have tried so far, but I intend to try others.
Here's a little information:
1. Flavor: Butternut Squash, Apples, Parsnips, Yellow Carrots, Carrots, and Black Beans. Garnished with pumpkin seeds. You use a small amount of oil, a little water, and the seasoning packet that is incuded.
2. Package prepared makes about 1 cup. It only has 140 calories for the whole package.
If you're in a hurry and need to eat some vegetables, this is a good option. Of course, fresh, home cooked are the first choice, but this is great in a pinch.
Do you get enough vegetables in your diet? Do you ever used prepared vegetable dishes? Would you consider giving this product a try? Let me know if you do and share your thoughts.