If so, how many of those goals did you actually accomplish? Are you where you wanted to be at the end of 2019? Are you satisfied with your life? Do you have more goals that you want to accomplish?
Where do you want to be a year from now at the end of 2020?
I am pretty satisfied with my accomplishments for the past year. There are a couple of goals that I made progress on but fell short of accomplishing, but I am happy because I did make progress.
With that progress I will accomplish those goals this year, along with new goals.
In order to accomplish anything that is complicated, you need a plan.
If you go back to my January blogs, you will find information on using the SMART method of setting and accomplishing goals. It works. Its the method I use and as a result, I have accomplished almost every goal I set for myself for the year of 2019.
I suggest you go back and read those blog posts and implement the SMART method today so that you can be successful in moving forward this year.
I want each and every one of you to be where you want to be by the end of 2020.
Start right this minute and make a list of every single thing you would like to do, see, own, accomplish in the next year - everything! Include everything, no matter how small or how big. Get a big piece of paper and fill it up.
Some things you may have on your list could be:
- Pay off my car
- Start a side business
- Clean out my Master bedroom closet
- Sell some of my unwanted books
- Visit Las Vegas
- Dye my hair Green
- Get a tatoo
- Hike the Appalachian trail
- Get a part time job
- Sell my house
- Learn how to paint
- Learn a new language
- Travel to another country
- Learn to Quilt
- Get a dog
- Start a Journal
- and on and on, the possibilities are endless
I want each and every one of you to live a life on fire in 2020!
Don't let your age, health, finances, or anything stop you from making goals.
You can make your goals within your abilities, no matter what they are. But, I suggest that you have a few that push you beyond what you think you can do, even if only a little.
Stretch yourself, challenge yourself, reach higher - you may not make the goal you set for yourself, but you will be farther than you would normally be.
Step outside of those cliches like "step out of your box", "step outside of your comfort zone", or "stop being that someone who's always on the outside looking in".
There is a saying that I love that describes what I am trying to say in a beautiful way:
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
Norman Vincent Peale
Make 2020 a year to remember! A year of bucket lists! A year of adventure or accomplishments! Don't be stagnant a year from now, be fresh!
Is there something you have wanted to do for a long time and never seem to get it done? Have you set goals each year only to fail at accomplishing them? Do you try new things that push you outside your normal day to day or that teach you something new?