I want peace and loving relationships. Truthful relationships are an absolute must as I get older, I don't have the energy to try to figure something out. Just tell me the truth and let me deal with it. But also, be ready to get the truth back and
deal with it.
Rudeness is probably my biggest pet peeve. People, even good friends and family, can be rude at times. I can be rude at times. They don't intend to be rude, as I don't intend to be rude, but never the less, it does happen. I don't hold that against anyone as it is just part of life.
Rudeness can be a result of not feeling well, being depressed, being too busy, or any number of other reasons. It is not an “old” person's issue, it is a “human” issue.
Then there are those who are rude just to be rude - to show their perceived power or position, to cause or inflict fear, or for any other of a number of 'reasons'. Those are the ones I have issues with. There's no reason to be rude on purpose to anyone. If you have issues with someone, talk to them.
How do I know what to do?
Here are a 6 ways to deal with rudeness:
1. Use humor to turn the situation around. Usually when a person is rude it's because they are upset about something else and you just happen to be the one nearby to receive the reaction. If you can find a common topic of humor you may be able to not only turn this person around, but also change their day.
2. Use kindness to turn the situation around. This is the one of the hardest things to do – be kind when someone is being rude to you or someone near you. If you can be kind, it allows the rude individual to calm down and rethink their position. Generally, they will begin to respond in a more positive way. Either way, you know you did the right thing.
3. Showing empathy or even sometimes sympathy is another way to handle rudeness. If the person thinks you can identify with their feelings, they are most often willing to respond in a nicer way. Sometimes rudeness is a reflection of the feeling of not being heard. When we know that someone understands why we are being rude, that may be all it takes to turn it around to a positive.
4. Set a good example, don't let the person drag you into their rudeness. Respond with kindness, humor, empathy, sympathy, or whatever it takes to diffuse the situation. Do the right thing, you will never regret that decision.
5. Try not to let the situation get out of control and don't return rudeness with rudeness (unless you are forced to and that is rarely the case, there is almost always another way to handle it.) Sometimes no matter what you do, you can not avoid rudeness or change someones attitude so rather that be rude back,
just walk away.
6. Sometimes all you can do is just walk away or avoid that person or situation. Before you allow yourself to return rudeness for rudeness – just leave.
It's that easy.
Remember: Rudeness will always be around. Don't take it as a personal assault, most of the time it has nothing to do with you. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution.
Always stay calm.
Have you had this situation with someone close to you? How did you handle it? Did it turn out well or do you wish you had handle it another way? Please start the conversation and share your thoughts and experiences, it will help all of us, including me.