Most people choose to begin a healthy lifestyle with the beginning of a new year.
It may or may not include losing weight. Whatever it is that you committed to do for 2017 in relationship to improving your health, it's time to evaluate to see if you are still committed and how your doing.
Here's my update to get it started: I determined for the last year not to make weight loss a goal. My thoughts were that every year I start out trying to lose weight and every year, I do well for a few weeks and then it falls by the way side. So last year and this year I decided to make getting healthy a goal. I decided to make eating better (not dieting) and moving more (both for exercise and fun) my goals for the new year. So, how did I do?
I did great! I am very happy with what I have done since I gave up the losing weight goal. I am working out 3-5 times a week at the YMCA and walking 4-6 times a week. I work out for at least an hour, sometimes two and I walk at least two miles a day and sometimes as many as six miles. As a result, I feel great! My knees don't hurt as much, I am able to get down on the floor to play with my granddaughter and get backup on my own (lol), I don't feel sluggish in the mornings instead I wake up ready to go, and I have lost weight. I am happy with my progress
How about you? Did you stick with your goals? Did you use the SMART plan to set your 2017 goals? I did and I believe that contributed to my success in sticking with them. I had a plan to follow with realistic steps. If you are not familiar with the SMART plan to set goals see my blog dated: 1/6/17 Life: A Brand New Year! 2017 Could Be Your Best Year! You will learn a great way to set any goal and how to create a plan to achieve that goal.
If you have fallen down on your 2017 healthy lifestyle goals, it's not too late to pick them back up. Do it now in the month of March. Set your goals to eat better and move more. Make a commitment to live a healthier life.
This commitment is for
you and only you.
Concentrate on yourself
for a change.
Make yourself a priority.
Eating better and moving more are only two goals of a healthy lifestyle. Be sure you add regular checkups with your physician to your list of SMART goals. Don't put off the yearly checkups, mammograms, A1C check, and all the other important tests and screenings that you need to stay on top of your health. If you catch an illness early enough almost all of them are curable, manageable, or treatable. If you wait, you are putting yourself at risk of discovering an illness too late and possibly dying as a result.
I put off my colonoscopy for a long time.
I was afraid that something would be found and I didn't have time to deal with it and for a short period of time, didn't care. After I had it done, I was surprised at how easy it was and how much better I felt after it was over. I was healthy, nothing feels better than hearing that from your doctor.
Even if you haven't been to the doctor in a long while and then you go and discover something wrong, consider yourself lucky. In most cases you can still be treated and hope is not lost. A positive attitude can make the difference in life and death many times. If it is not treatable, at least you know. If you didn't know, you would still face the same fate, but knowing allows you to live and do the things you want before you go.
Let's be honest, we are all going to die at some point in the future. We can make the commitment to live a healthy life and hopefully prolong our life and at the very least improve our quality of life for the time we have left.
"Don't focus on death,
focus on life.
Focus on living even
in the face of dying.
Respect the life that God
has given you and
make it count."
- Sheryl, 2017 -
Get out there and start living better.
Start today! Make your SMART plan and follow it. Give yourself six months and then re-evaluate. You can always make changes to your plan, after all, it is YOUR plan.
Did you set SMART goals at the beginning of the year? If so, have you achieved any of your goals? Please share your stories in the comments so that we might learn from each other.