For a few weeks at the end of January and the first part of February I was ill with a serious sinus infection. Normally, if I get sick with something like this, I take an antibiotic and allergy medication and within a few days I am good as new. I hardly ever get sick (or least I haven't in the past), but this little infection ended up lasting over two months and included three doctor visits and two rounds of antibiotics.
As a result of the double round of antibiotics, I got heartburn for the first time in my life after eating Mexican food. I didn't know what it was - my sister helped me determine what I had. I then thought, how do I prevent that pain again? I did some research and found that antibiotics not only destroy the bad bacteria in your body, it destroys the good, as well. The good bacteria in your gut is what helps you digest foods without problems.
So, after two rounds of antibiotics, I basically had no good bacteria left in my gut, hence the heartburn. Let me tell you, it was very painful.
After I did my research, I bought a probiotic in capsule form. After taking it for about a week, I felt the difference. I slowly started eating more and more foods with more and more spice. It has put me back to my normal state. I intend to take probiotics for a while longer and then make yogurt or kefir a part of my regular diet.
What is a probiotic?
"Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. Probiotics are naturally found in your body. You can also find them in some foods and supplements."
- Mary Jo DiLonardo,
What kind did I take?
⦁ Saccharomyces boulardii lyo (Florastor)
⦁ Another good one, but one that I did not take is: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (Culturelle)
(Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation. Only you can decide what probiotic, if any, you need to take. I made this decision only for myself based on my own research and symptoms.)
As we age, our bodies change, even if we don't easily see it. If you know your body, then you know what is normal and what is not. I knew something was not right with my gut, I just couldn't put my finger on it until I did my research.
So, are probiotics important after taking anitbiotics? Yes! You may not need a capsule, you may only need a cup of yogurt now and then, only you know your own body. But consider the fact, that the word anti-biotic means anti-life and the word pro-biotic means pro-life. If antibiotics kill good bacteria in your gut, it certainly can't hurt anything to add probiotics back in through your diet or a supplement. (You may want to consult your doctor before you add a supplement into your diet.)
Consider this next time your reach for the antacid after antibiotic treatment. Maybe what you really need is a probiotic. (My gut is back to normal and I can once again eat anything I want with no problems. 😊)
Do you suffer from heartburn? Have you ever considered a probiotic instead of an antacid? If you did, how did it work for you? As you get older, do you find things bothering your digestive system that never have before? Join or start the conversation so we all may learn how to better take care of ourselves.