1. Be kind to others, but first to yourself.
2. Don't put yourself down or talk bad about yourself, not even when talking to yourself.
3. Hold on to your dreams and passions...don't give up on them.
4. Remember, you have two choices "yes" and "no", don't be afraid of either.
5. If something doesn't feel right to you, trust your gut. Don't do it!
6. Avoid negative conversation, even if it's you talking to yourself.
7. Don't let others drag you into their negativeness, stay positive, even if you are trying to help them.
8. The only time you can't start over or begin something new is when you are in the grave. Everyday is a new beginning!
9. Don't depend on other people for your happiness, find it within yourself and share it with others.
10. Live fearlessly, laugh often, and love always!