People are living longer and healthier nowadays. Just as our brains start to interpret time differently, we start to interpret our age differently. If we were not flooded with commercials directed towards old age and if we saw more older people represented in positive ways in the media, we might have a different attitude towards getting older. I say it's time to write our own commercials and seek our own representation.
There are lots of famous people who are over 50, over 60, over 70 and beyond. They are living full and happy lives, but if you listen to the media if you are over 50 you should be slowing down, consider retiring, make room for younger people, and just plain disappear. Look at the presidential campaigns. Sixteen out of the twenty original nominees (both Democratic and Republican) were over the age of fifty.
Here's how they roll:
4 are in their 50s
9 are in their 60s
3 are in their 70s
(only 4 are in their 40s)
The top two candidates are both over fifty - Hillary Clinton is 69; Donald Trump is 70 (and for the record, Bernie Sanders is 75 years old). Tack a four-year term to that and all of them are well into their 70s and one of them will be running a country! That is inspirational!
Now consider that most of our past presidents were sworn into office when they were well over the age of 50.
Here are a few:
Obama - 2013: 50 years 5.6 mos.
Obama - 2009: 46 years 5.6 mos.
Bush - 2005: 58 years 6.5 mos.
Bush - 2001: 54 years 6.5 mos.
Clinton - 1997: 50 years 5.1 mos.
Clinton - 1993: 46 years 5.1 mos.
Bush - 1989: 64 years 7.3 mos.
Reagan -1985: 73 years 11.5 mos.
Reagan - 1981: 69 years 11.5 mos.
Carter - 1977: 52 years 3.7 mos.
Ford - 1974: 61 years 0.9 mos.
During a campaign debate in 1984 with Sen. Walter Mondale, a 73 year old President Ronald Reagan, boldly declared,
"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."
Getting older is a fact of life, we have to face that fact. We don't, however, have to adopt the attitude towards age that Hollywood and the media presents. The only person who has control on how old you feel and act is YOU! You hold all the keys. Fight back, don't accept old age, do all you can to live each day as full and complete as possible.
One of my favorite sayings is "Growing older, but not up". (☺)
Would you be willing to take on the responsibilities of President of the United States if you thought you could win an election? How do you feel about being over fifty and your value to the world? Do you let a number dictate how you feel? How young do you feel? Set your life on fire!