That is the way we should feel everyday. As women (and men) over the age of 50 (or approaching the fifties), we should be living loud and proud. We have a lot to offer the world and we should be proud we are still here to share what we have.
Every day that we wake up should be a blessing and we should use it to our advantage. I have so many things I still want to do that I plan to be going full speed until I take my last breathe (I only hope God agrees and allows me to live a long and healthy life). As we grow older we should not be sad for the years gone by or the events of those years, we should look to the present day.
In the book by Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Restoring the Character Ethic), he reminds us to "Begin with the End in Mind". In other words, is the goal of our life to just fade away into non existence or to live fully until we can't live any longer? The end of my life will (I hope) come late in life, very late and as a surprise to myself. If someone at my funeral says that I lived a happy and full life because I pursued my goals right up till the end, then I have done a good thing. I have inspired someone to live fully right up to the end of life.
Covey also encourages us to be "Proactive". In other words, don't let life happen to you, you need to make life happen. The first page of this chapter has a quote that if you truly understand it's meaning, says it all:
" I know of no more encouraging fact
than the unquestionable
ability of man
to elevate his life by
conscience endeavor."
- Henry David Thoreau -
We have more control over our lives than we fully realize. No matter what our circumstances are we can and should be proactive when it comes to our own lives. If we don't take control of our own life, someone or something else will.
I want to leave this earth like a firecracker. I want to be on fire and leave a beautiful, colorful memory behind as I just fade into the atmosphere. I want my children to be proud of the life I "chose" to live. I want my children and grandchildren to look at my life and say "that's the way I want to live". Leaving a positive example of how to grow older in a happy and fulfilling way is a gift that I want to leave them.
How do you want your family to remember you? As an active, happy older person? Or a sad, fearful older person? Would you want your grandchild to grow older in a positive way because you set the example for them? Your friends and family are watching you as you grown older, give them a positive role model, be on fire for your life right up to the end.