I am someone who has spent the last two and half years getting healthy, losing a lot of weight (I will write about at a later date), going through some transformations of my own. It is not easy, it is not quick, it didn't happen in 20 days.
However, having said all that, I am not going to say this book is not worth the read. I won't discount the information in this book, because I think it has some merit. It is worth reading.
If you try it and you are totally transformed in 20 days - bravo! But don't be discouraged if you are not totally transformed in 20 days, if you follow the guidelines of this book, you will see some changes.
Here is a short review of what you will find in this book:
A. Dr. Smith promotes "clean eating'. Clean eating is a diet of natural, unprocessed foods. Also, to get your food from producers who do not use chemicals of any kind on their crops or on the pasture that animals eat from. If you can eat it raw, that is the optimum form. However, some foods must be cooked before consuming, such as chicken, turkey, and eggs.
B. This is not a vegetarian diet. Dr. Smith says that dairy is good, cheese is included, chicken and turkey are included, as well as eggs, seafood, and yogurt. Dr. Smith makes suggestions on how to select your 20 foods.
The 20 Foods are:
1. Avocado
2. Berries
3. Cheese
4. Chicken
5. Chickpeas
6. Eggs
7. Kale
8. Lemons
9. Lentils
10. Nuts and Seeds
11. Oatmeal
12. Quinoa
13. Seafood
14. Squash
15. Sweet Potatoes
16. Tomatoes
17. Turkey
18. Whole-Grain Bread
19. Whole-Wheat Pasta
20. Yogurt
C. There are 14 Rules of the Clean Eating Diet:
1. Dairy is good.
2. No Alcohol
3. No Soda
4. On Freshly Squeezed Juice
5. Unlimited Water - Please!!!!
6. No Sugar Addd
7. No Artificial Sweeteners
8. Fruits and Vegetables are Your Friends
9. No MSG
10. No Frying
11. No White Flour
12. Careful with Condiments
13. Canned and Frozen are permitted
14. Salad Dressings are Allowed with Restrictions
D. The Plan allows for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Two Snacks
E. The Exercise Component:
1. Walking
2. Various Stretching, Cardio, etc.
F. Each Day Has a Different Focus Point to Meditate On
(This is my favorite part of the book!):
1. Reset
2. Expect
3. Believe
4. Prepare
5. Focus
6. Cleanse
7. Visualize
8. Enjoy
9. Balance
10. Organize
11. Push
12. Decelerate
13. Move
14. Relax
15. Experiment
16. Restore
17. Introduce
18. Lead
19. Appreciate
20. Thrive
G. The book has a large number of recipes.
H. It includes a list of clean snacks.
I. Every exercise that he asks you to do can be found in the back of the book.
J. There is an extensive list of allowed condiments, spices, and details about the clean twenty foods.
Dr. Smith has detailed the food list and exercises for you. He makes it very easy to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. My two favorite parts of the book are the daily focus points. These are awesome at helping me stay motivated. The other favorite is the recipes. I am always looking for new things to try.
In my case, counting calories is the only way I have found that works for me. It is the only way I have been able to stay with my weight loss. Over the years I have tried to count points, food exchanges, fad diets where you eat cabbage or eggs or grapefruit, Adkins, Nutrasystem, South Beach, or some other diet.
Of all these diets I have tried, I use the South Beach diet cookbook. I also pull the parts of each of these diets that works for me.
But in the end, I count calories. Dr. Smith does not consider calories in his diet.
I hope this helps you understand "The Clean 20" idea.
Please comment any questions or thoughts you have.
The important thing is, find something that works for you. We are all different and our needs are different. Calorie counting may not work for you, you may need prepared meals or count points. That is what you have to decide. This is an excellent book no matter what diet plan you are using. The recipes, exercises, and daily focal points are worth it just by themselves.
Yes! I recommend this book!
Do you have a meal plan or exercise plan that works for you that you would like to share with others? Please share what you do to maintain or lose weight. This is a huge issue for everyone, but especially women, after the age of 50 because our metabolism and chemistry changes as we age.