Sometimes after a tragedy or a personal problem, people struggle to merely function, much less embrace a deeper spirituality. This book offers help to regain the life that you deserve after the suffering of life's events. Stronger Than Ever is a guide of practical lessons and advice for living again after personal set backs and applying biblical truths to real life.
In his book, Jason Jackson states that:
" a life of faith, love, and hope enables you to persevere - but more than perevere - you can grow stronger, overcome adversity, and become a blessing to others in need."
Jason also states:
THE PURPOSE OF GOD : God desires mankind's redemption. He provided the sacraficial lamb that he might be just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:26)
Jesus says to the sinner and the saved alike:
"Come unto me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
In his book, Jason discusses guilt and what we let it do to us. He describes guilt as "the knowledge of good and evil".
There are two forms of guilt - objective and subjective.
Objective: You break the law
Subjective: You feel guilty
Jason also states the following
inspirational thoughts:
- We all become more like Jesus as we reach out to love and support others.
- Any person can be forgiven of anything.
- When the earth crumbles around us and we feel helpless, there may be only one thing we can control: our perspective.
- When experiences of life make us long for heaven, we can view distressing times with an element of joy.
This book is excellent if you are experiencing trials or tragedies of life. The author uses true stories and real life people who overcame adversity and are stronger because of their perspective and the ultimate power of Christ.
You can find this book here:
You can also purchase it through
Amazon or Barnes and Noble,
but you will pay more.
Have you lost a loved one and need help getting through life on a daily basis? Do you feel like life is against you and you can't win? Do you have faith? Share your experience and help others. Become a blessing to others.