Mack Lyon was a minister of the gospel of Christ in Edmond, Oklahoma. He lead a successful international television and radio program - In Search of the Lord's Way. He had served churches in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and New Jersey. He and his family had also served as missionaries in western Australian.
Mack covers a wide variety of subjects in this book from life, the meaning of life, what about heaven and hell. He also tackles the difficult subjects of human suffering, abortion and the Christian, do-it yourself death - euthanasia, is there life after death, the resurrection and the judgement.
The "biggie" question for me personally is what is the meaning of life and is it worth living?
I have asked myself these questions many times, mostly when I was struggling.
The Meaning of Life
In Philippians 1:20 the apostle Paul prayed:
"Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death", he added, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Mack Lyon explains it this way, "He's (Paul) simply saying that for him, and for all Christians, life is not simply a matter of the 'period between birth and death'; it isn't just 'being alive,' or even striving to get ahead, or being a success, or making a name for oneself. It isn't owning lands and houses and cattle and oil wells and automobiles or amassing a large estate to pass on to the next generation; that isn't what life is all about.
Life isn't just 'being good and doing good' as important as that is. Rather it is to do what we do, and be what we are for Christ. It is to so totally lose our time, our energies, our talents, and our prosperity in Him that Christ may be glorified in our bodies whether by life or by death."
Is Life Worth Living?
Philippians 1:15-21, Mack paraphrases it this way: "You came not into the world because you chose or when you chose, but because God had need of you."
What is life all about? What are we doing here? Is there any real purpose in the universe? Is there any meaning in life? Scientific materialism says no, Humanism says only we create and develop our futures here. Is it any wonder, then, that many people are asking, "Is life worth living?"
[Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America (pg 10).]
Life consists of five elements: (1) time; (2) talent; (3) energy; (4) productivity; (5) and purpose.
Mack refers to "a study conducted by University of Akron sociologist Margaret Poloma revealed that people who feel close to God on a personal basis have a deeper sense of purpose and are happier with their health.
Poloma says, 'Religion has been under emphasized as a factor leading to life satisfaction.' The study which she presented to the American Sociological Association also suggested that religious identity is the most important factor in a person finding happiness in life - even more important than job success or family."
Yes, it is worth living.
Two reasons why it is worth living:
- As long as you breathe you can be a positive influence on another person. You can show them love and how to live. You can stop another person from suicide.
- As long as you breathe you can do the work that God has given you, teach others the gospel and thereby, save their souls.
In this book, Mack deals with each subject with compassion for man, but foremost a commitment to God' Word.
In this book is a beautiful poem written by Robert Whitaker, well thought out and worded. It should be inspirational to any reader:
Live for something, have a purpose,
And that purpose keep in view;
Drifting like a helpless vessel,
Thou canst ne'er to life be true.
Half the wrecks that strew life's ocean,
If some star had been their guide,
Might have now been riding safely,
But, they drifted with the tide.
Live for something, and live in earnest,
By the world of men unnoticed,
Through the work may humble be,
Known alone to God and thee.
Every Act has priceless value;
To the Architect of fate;
'Tis the spirit of thy doing
That alone will make it great.
Live for something - God and angels
Are they watchers in the strife,
And above the smoke and conflict
Gleams the victor's crown of life.
Live for something; God has given
Freely of His stores divine;
Richest gifts of earth and heaven,
If thou willest, may be thine.
If you struggle to find a purpose and meaning for your life or if you struggle to keep a desire for living, I would recommend this book. It is educational, thought provoking, and provides solid answers. You can purchase this book here:
Mack Lyon died in 2015 at the age of 94 years old and
he was active right up to his death.
If you struggle with life at any age, but especially as we cross over that 50 mark and beyond, don't let it get you down and keep you down. There are books and people that can help. Sometimes all it takes is getting off the sofa or out of our homes and just going for it. Take a leap and see where you land. Do something out of the usual.
Push yourself.
don't crash and burn.....
rise from the ashes!
On fire!
Have you struggled with finding a purpose for living or even the will to live? Please share your struggle with us, it will help us but it will also help you. Together, we can rise above anything. What did you think of the review of Mack Lyon's book? Is it something you would read?